Our 351 Sons Testimonials
Book Signing Event
Roger Davenport, an alumni featured in the
book, is helping John sign on his story page
Robert Altman, Birmingham, Alabama
I just finished reading Our 351 Sons, and once I started reading, I could not put it down. Bart and Cherry Starr are neighbors and they have shared the Rawhide story many times.
Pastor Steve Nickel, Wisconsin
I invited John to lead the Sunday service at Fox Valley Christian Fellowship to share the story of Our 351 Sons. His endearing presentation style put everyone at ease for a motivating program. It was a great “change of pace” service for our church and members purchased a lot of books.
Carol Brown, Unknown State
Yesterday I heard your interview on the VCY-America national radio network. I was very touched with your story and immediately order a copy of Our 351 Sons. Excitedly waiting for it to arrive.
Dal Wood, Kiwanis Club President, Wisconsin
John does a great job of telling the Our 351 Sons story about the founding of Rawhide Boys Ranch. Our members lined up to buy a case of books and have them personally signed by John.
Tom Schurman, Rotary Club, Wisconsin
After John’s presentation members purchased a case of Our 351 Sons books in about 10 minutes and I had to go to his car for another case. Some bought extra copies for family and friends just from John’s talk. Several members said this was the best program we had all year.
Patti McFarland, Minnesota, to Dr. Sandra Mills
John. I received a nice note from my friend Patti to share with you. She said, “Don and I are reading John’s Our 351 Sons book you introduced to us. We are not done yet but are in awe regarding the passion for their work with youth in spite of many challenges.”
Tom Schurmacher, Wisconsin
I’m giving copies of Our 351 Sons to my twelve siblings and our four children who have grown up in a world where the news is filled with anything than caring and love for others. Please send me another five books I will give to my five corporate board members.
Rev. Richard “Rick” Heilman, Wisconsin Chaplain Knights of Columbus
I enjoyed John and Jan’s book, Our 351 Sons, and especially how my team, the Green Bay Packers and Bart and Cherry Starr were involved. It shares numerous stories of how Godly men and women have changed the lives of hundreds of youth in serious trouble. I recommend this book to everyone.